Small business loan calculator

How much can I qualify* for?

Quickly estimate your funding options.
Time In Business
0 - 1 Years
1 - 5 Years
5 - 10 Years
10+ Years
Monthly revenue
Credit Score
Business type
Legal partnership
Sole proprietor

*Qualification criteria, rates, and other funding terms will vary depending on the type and location of your business, and upon other factors. This is not a guarantee of funding, and it should not be relied upon as an accurate assessment of the availability or terms of the represented funding products.

Congrats--it looks like you qualify.*

Based on your business information you could qualify for up to $52,000 in funding

Funding amount *

$36,000 - $52,000

*Amount is an estimate only using the information provided Businesses like yours typically receive offers like these.

*Qualification criteria, rates, and other funding terms will vary depending on the type and location of your business, and upon other factors. This is not a guarantee of funding, and it should not be relied upon as an accurate assessment of the availability or terms of the represented funding products.

Compare your funding options today.

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Many businesses don't qualify for funding for all kinds of reasons. A few factors could include:

Not enough revenue
Not enough time in business
Credit score is too low